Saturday, December 17, 2011

UWA Sky Sim 3D Art Installation: Endangered Species Zoo Maze - Dec 11 to Dec 31

Endangered Species Zoo Maze

I was awarded a sky sim space for an art exhibit by the University of Western Australia (You can read about my exhibit on their blog, as well).  It opens on December 11.  The Opening Reception is on that day from 6 PM to 8PM.  Hope to see you there!

When trying to decide what to propose for this exhibit, I asked a friend, "If you could create anything, even if it was something not possible in real life, what would you make?"  Her response wasn't exactly what I was going for.  It was, "I would help the animals."  At first, I dismissed it as not having answered the question.

I later returned to her answer and asked myself, "How can I use my 3D art to help real life animals?"  The answer I came up with was a 3D zoo of endangered species; with links to donate to the World Wildlife Fund.  I wanted to help the animals, not only by asking for money to help them, but also by providing an educational exhibit.  For this purpose, I chose species that are not widely known and I've included links to information about them.

This has turned into a rather large undertaking!  Consequently, not all the environment objects are my own creations.  Things such as plants and rocks may have been created by other Second Life residents.  The items that are my creations are mostly mesh, so you will need a mesh enabled viewer to enjoy this exhibit.  (Exact location will be posted at a later date.)

Finally, I wanted to add an element of fun to the exhibit, so I set the zoo within a garden maze!  There will be a treasure hunt on the first day of the exhibit, where you can get some of my products for free, and a few visitors will also win some L$!

Balkan Lynx and Kittens
Douc Langur
Maned Wolf with Pups
Male Resplendent Quetzal

Café Area with Dancing and Free Food

Just Added December 17th
Karner Blue Butterflies.  This is a male.  Visit the exhibit to see the female.
Due to Real Life Family Death the Last 2 Exhibits May Not Be Completed by the 31st.

1 comment:

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