Monday, January 30, 2012

We Moved Again!

Orakeli and I missed our old region and having our own music streams, so we moved back!  We're at different parcels in Loki than we were last time.  This time we are each on the ocean! (This is the new SLURL:

I also restructured my parcel a bit.  It is now called the Dragon Volcano Club (All Ages) & Store.  The vendors are in the main club area, along with a stage, a trivia ball, and more.  There are tables with seating in the balcony and the demo rezzer is above the volcano.  Outside behind the volcano, there is a dock where you can sit on a bench or rez a row boat to take out on the ocean.

I'll plan another Grand Opening Celebration and post photos soon.

Orakeli is right next door, and our friend MayaStar Moonwall is across the road from the Dragon Volcano.  She has a little bamboo hut and is called Wind'n Sea Studios (~WSS~).  There are black marble multi-teleporters connecting the three parcels to make it easy for people to explore each.  There are red and black marble ones to get around my space, blue and black marble to get around ~WSS~.  Orakeli has not chosen to have MayaStar place any for her yet, as every thing is right within view on ground level, except for her private room.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

We've Moved! Join Us in Celebration!

I joined forces with my neighbor Orakeli to rent a 4096m parcel!  When you arrive, you are outside my Dragon Volcano Store & Café.  You can use the multi-teleporters to move around and get to Orakeli's Heavenly Garden!

We are having a celebration tomorrow from 1:30pm to 8:30pm.  There will be dancing and free food and drink in the volcano.  There will also be a treasure hunt with free items created by me and gift certificates for Orakeli's services!  Orakeli will be hosting 4 other events during that time period in Orakeli's Heavenly Garden.

1:30pm - 3:30pm: Three Card Tarot Readings
Need advice?  Come to my Heavenly Garden to get a 3 card tarot reading!   Orakeli does not predict a static future, or answer yes or no questions.  She will tell you what she sees that is going on in your life and then advise you on how to proceed.  For more information on her services, check the web section of her profile or visit the garden before the event.  She does the readings on a first come first serve basis, so IM her when you arrive to secure your place in line.  Doing the readings in IM, gives you a record of the reading if you have your IMs set to save onto your hard drive. She asks that you pay her what you think the reading is worth on a sliding scale of L$300 - L$500 (if you cannot afford this, talk to her and she'll see what she can do).  While you are waiting for your turn, hangout around the pond and chat with other residents, or check out the *Metamorphia Designs* store in the Dragon Volcano (a mesh object) down at sea level.  When you arrive, you will arrive outside the Dragon Volcano.  Use the multi-teleporters to get to the garden, or ask Orakeli for a teleport up.

4:00pm - 6:00pm Broken Heart and Grief Support Group
Are you trying to get over a lost love or the death of a loved one?  Come meet with others in Orakeli's Heavenly Garden to give each other support.  She wants this to be a safe sharing environment. If people come to take advantage they will be asked to leave, and made to leave (if necessary).  When you arrive, you will arrive outside the Dragon Volcano (mesh object).  If you are interested in goth or fantasy items, please check out the store in the volcano, while you are here.  Use the multi-teleporters to get to the garden, or ask Orakeli for a teleport up.  There is not cost for this event, but tips are appreciated.

6:30pm - 7:30pm Intuitive Communication Practice
Looking to practice your intuitive (or physic skills)?  Come practice in Orakeli's Heavenly Garden!  Participants will pair off in sets of two with people they do not know.  Orakeli will provide a set of questions.  Each person will focus on their practice partner and write down the answers to the questions that they got, or whatever else may come to them.  Afterwards, everyone will take turns sharing with their partners what they got.  Finally, each participant will share with the group what they got and what they got correct (If you do not want your information shared with the whole group, it's ok.  Just let your partner know to only say how many they got correct.)  When you arrive, you will arrive outside the Dragon Volcano (mesh object).  If you are interested in goth or fantasy items, please check out the store in the volcano, while you are here.  Use the multi-teleporters to get to the garden, or ask Orakeli for a teleport up.  There is not cost for this event, but tips are appreciated.

7:30pm - 8:30pm Spirit Drawing Workshop
Want to work on your visual intuition skills?  Come practice in Orakeli's Heavenly Garden!  Participants will pair off in sets of two with people they do not know.  Each will focus on our practice partner and draw what comes to them (stick figures are ok).  When everyone is done, they will each upload the photos to share with their partner and get feedback from their partner about if it speaks to them and how.  You may also share any impressions you got about it's meaning with your partner.  Finally, each participant will share this information with the group, but only if you are comfortable with the information being shared.  There is no cost for this event, but you will need L$10 to upload your drawing and tips are appreciated. When you arrive, you will arrive outside the Dragon Volcano  (mesh object).  If you are interested in goth or fantasy items, please check out the store in the volcano, while you are here.  Use the multi-teleporters to get to the garden, or ask Orakeli for a teleport up.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Articles About the Endangered Species Zoo Maze

My "Endangered Species Zoo Maze" closed with the end of 2011.  During that time, two articles were written about the maze.  Victoria Lenoirres wrote a nice one on the UWA blog.  The other was sent to me as a note card in SL by SlowJoe Short.  I'll copy and paste it below.  If you didn't get a chance to visit the maze zoo, you will soon have a chance to visit the zoo but without the maze.  In February (maybe sooner), I'll construct a holodeck that displays animal in it's enclosure.  At some point, maybe I'll have a big enough space to set the entire thing up again, but it will be quite some time before that happens.

The Empty Tank
by SlowJoe Short

I was hunting for art. I knew I needed to write something and had a list of artists I could interview, chat with, dissect art theory and generally prod with small sticks of wit. I love doing it. I am an artist in the real world and a designer and I love the blurry lines and second life is full of cultural blurry lines. I also love to write and spout to anyone who is willing to read so this task is a small labour compared to many jobs I can think of.

Lately however, I have come to reflect on an awful year. 2011 has been "Annus Horribilis" for me personally with some dear personal friends and family shaking off this mortal coil and leaving me to cope with the world and it's unfeeling cruelties.  A couple of SL friends too either dreadfully ill or passing away.

What has this to do with an art exhibition you may ask? Clarity is imminent. The point being this, I found the thought of expounding or debating the merits or otherwise of non-existent digital art quite an onerous task in comparison with these aforementioned events. I decided to take a different tack and sought something a bit less prone to pretentious, something that could either back up it's claim to worthiness or leave the claim unstated. I looked around and found what I thought could be the answer… the Endangered Species Zoo Maze!

So I set off to UWA SKY SIM SERIES (DEC) - LunaMetamorphia's Zoo on a piece of land owned by UWA. Their statement says it is an experimental area for collaborative scientific visualisation. UWA (University of Western Australia).  Supported by iVEC, the hub of advanced computing in Western Australia. I think it's great that educational authorities support and encourage. We should try to encourage big business to do likewise but that's a whole other project I am on.

The idea up at the maze is to create two interesting takes on Zoos. One; As it eponymously states, to house it in a maze. I love mazes. They run through our genetic psyche. They are deep in our histories with mythological significance since Daedalus created one to contain the Minotaur. Deep stuff. Take Two; to make the zoo occupied only by endangered species. So there we have it. Topical, worthy, artistic and entertaining. I set off with a Teleport whoosh.

I got the maze idea pretty quickly. I flew over and looked down. It is not an intricate or highly crafted maze. It's simple, rudimentary. No dismal cul-de-sacs like in RL mazes but perhaps rather ALL cul-de-sacs. Each creature exhibit is housed in it's own rounded enclosure with high hedge like constructions. Inside each area is a tele porter to go where you want to go so there is no delineated route or arrows to follow. Some of the construction did seem rather rushed, lacking in the fine detail that may have enhanced it but it's something one is prepared to overlook in light of the honourable subject.

Each creature is contained in a glass dome. Some have young cubs as in the maned wolf and some you need to search to find, like the butterflies and parrots. It was mildly entertaining and I have spend worse 40 minutes in second life believe me.

Only when I came to the Marine Tank did my whole stance change from one of relaxed note taking and appraisal to one of provoked thought. Not because the Marine Tank contained beautiful creatures soon to be condemned to history by our callous disregard as human beings or as part of a Darwinian law (take your own stance on that one). There were no finback whales or short nose sturgeon. In fact it was empty. So endangered perhaps that they were lost to even cyber reproduction. Regardless, it was empty. Could almost hear my thoughts echo within the glazed wall. Then I noticed the info box at the front of the glass stating:

 "Apologies. Due to a RL Death in the Family This Exhibit May Not Get Finished"

It made me think about my recent events both sides of the cyber border. Here we are in second life being distracted and halted in our tracks by events surrounding the end of first (and only) lives. We try to separate the two but ultimately one will always dictate to the other. There can be no precedence from the second life side in the big important things in first life. It's ironic. Sardonic almost. There is Lunametamorphia creating creatures from binaries, pixels, vectors and bitmaps in order to point out their near extinction and on the other side a life flickers out.

We can play small gods. we can create versions of ourselves in any gender, species, colour or size. We can do all of this limited only by our imagination and skill sets but ultimately that is the extent of our jurisdiction. The rest is owned by our god or nature or whatever the your belief systems proscribes. We are temporal and fragile and while we have some say in personal decision making processes the big stuff is way over our heads.

Art does different things for different people. Means different things to different people. It can also evoke something in us. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes accidentally. It's perhaps not for the art to decide that. I am glad Luna's creation might raise an awareness. I am glad it may entertain. I will be happy if those being entertained make allowance for the obvious upheaval bereavement can cause. We are not an endangered species but we are all endangered beings and that knowledge makes me appreciate the moments.

Maybe the Empty Tank is the heart and soul of this piece.